Hyperborean Tradition

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Hyperborean Tradition

About Master







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Awakening the ancient sacred feminine & the consciousness of the womb:

"Power of Solar, Lunar & Gaia Circadian Rhythms"


 Centuries old suppression of feminine wisdom and power has brought us to our current urgent need for rebalancing. Women are called to reawaken the feminine force on a physical, energetic, and consciousness level.

   Many women today experience a profound gap between what they sense as their highest potentials and the reality of everyday life. Using the dominant cultural version of creative power women have gained the freedom to do, be and fulfill their desires on a social order level, but they haven’t necessarily cultivated the power to cause their lives to flourish and thrive on the level of inner being. Does this ring true to you?

   Feminine creative power is the power to manifest that which is beyond control of our Ego consciousness and linear thinking: feelings, sensitivity, emotions and mysterious states of being - such as love, intimacy, connection, belonging, intuitive wisdom, generosity, aliveness, auspiciousness, and joy of existence...

   It is the power to transform your life from the inside out.

  In our extraordinary time, women can and must awaken and cultivate a new, integrative, power that includes all the gains of masculine and feminine power in a new evolutionary balance never seen before.

  For the feminine to become a source of power, it needs to be consciously evolved through our body, energy and mind. This evolution of human consciousness is a vital source for planetary transformation.

   In our workshop we will connect to, feel and experience the magical power of Lunar circadian rhythms –"Re-membering" a long forgotten Universal Feminine Creative Power.


This workshop is open for all self-identified women. Working with the energies of second chakra/womb area means that women who have had hysterectomies or other surgeries are equally benefited by this work.




Polar Light. Universal Wisdom Path. All rights reserved 2010-2019